Agriculture and Rural Development in Asia, Africa and Europe
Agriculture and Rural Developmentin Asia, Africa and Europe

         agriculture - rural development

looking for advice in economic development of the rural and agricultural sector?


professional experience as scientist, as project  manager, as government advisor, and as consultant in several countries.


farming systems: soil fertility through sedentary agriculture vs. shifting cultivation,
seed production,
economic analysis for sustained agriculture,

policies for increasing production and market value of rural areas.


hedges growing along with the upland rice
hedge row farming in Laos
abundand organic material to improve soil fertility: Laos
seed rice in Sierra Leone
rice mill in West Bengal, India
erosion control: increased vegetation by repartioning fences Tuchetia - Georgia
erosion control: increased vegetation by repartioning fences in Tuchetia - Georgia
market in Laos
market in Guinea

cp.:<< Agricultural Finance in Sierra Leone >>

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